Welcome: The Tasks of Preparation & the Gatherer

Welcome: The Tasks of Preparation & the Gatherer

← Return to Module 4: The Call, Part 2

This module focuses on the next phase of hearing The Call in the Heroic Journey. The Call is a multi-faceted aspect of the Heroic Journey—there are several phases within it, so, this is a continuation of our inquiry into it from Module 3. Now, we will focus on what happens when the protagonist, after first refusing and then accepting The Call, finds themselves faced with Tasks of Preparation—getting ready for the journey. At this stage, it is the Gatherer Archetype that is activated. This is a ripe place for mentorship for pregnant people. After gathering, the protagonist begins to shift to being hungry for self-knowledge and awareness. This is when the Hunter/Huntress archetype is activated, the one who gets quiet, and listens deeply. Here too, the Love Warrior, the archetype who brings compassion to one's self, can become awakened.

Highlights: Module 4

  • Inanna – The Call and Tasks of Preparation

  • Solution Focused Dialogue

  • Class Planning

  • Deepening the foundation for Pain-coping Mindset with Non-Focused Awareness

  • Awakening the Hunter/Huntress: Listening within, challenging agreements, and finding the Heart's Question.

  • The Landscape of Labor Art Process

  • Mid-Course Recordings Assignment

Learning Objectives: Module 4

Upon completion of this module, participant will be able to:

  • Identify characteristics and relevance of the Gatherer archetype during the childbearing year.

  • Have an understanding of how to begin planning a class series or session.

  • Develop a module for teaching parents how to gather tidbits for their fact basket that includes making choices around birth team and birth place in a solution-focused way.

  • Teach parents the pain coping practice, Non-Focused Awareness.

  • Lead parents in a solution-focused dialogue.

  • Finding your own Heart’s Question.

  • Lead a parent in a solution-focused exploration that results in them discovering their “Heart’s Question”.


Module 4 Lesson Plan


Progress Checklist